NYPD Psychological Appeals- One chance to choose expert and obtain NYPD records

NYPD Psych Disqualification

NYPD Psychological Appeals- One chance to choose expert and obtain NYPD records

I am a NYPD disqualification appeals lawyer who has been assisting disqualified NYPD candidates who have received either an Notice of Proposed Disqualification for psychological reasons or a Final Notice of Disqualification for psychological reasons from the NYPD.

On the Notice of Proposed Disqualification letter the candidate is given an opportunity to select an expert and have the NYPD psychological file sent to that expert for review and the preparation of a rebuttal report. If the disqualified candidate does not respond to the Notice of Proposed Disqualification the NYPD will NOT be released.

It is crucial that the disqualified candidate select a psychologist familar with the appeals process to assist them. ONCE YOU SELECT AN EXPERT TO ASSIST YOU IN YOUR APPEAL YOU WILL MOST LIKELY NOT BE ABLE TO CHANGE YOUR CHOICE LATER.

Also selecting a psychologist that the candidate formerly had counselling session with is also a poor choice.

When you receive a Notice of Proposed Disqualification or Notice of Disqualification from the NYPD Psychological Service Division please call my office at (888)998-9984 to discuss your options.

Also visit my website www.sheerinlaw.com to read other NYPD disqualification lawyer cases and information #nypd #disqualified#disqualification #article78 #character #psych #medical #fdny #teacher #newyork#nyc #longisland #call #today


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Call us today at 888.998.9984, or fill out this form for your FREE appeals case evaluation.