If you are currently disqualified, you have two chances to succeed. Your first chance may occur if you wind up having a positive outcome after a re-interview at the NYPD Psychological Disqualification NOPD phase. It is extremely important that you have a knowledgeable, experienced attorney and seasoned mental health professionals to help, guide and prepare you for any re-interview.
If you are unsuccessful, you do have a second chance to win with an appeal to the New York City – Civil Service Commission, who holds hearings and could rule that your disqualification was improper. Candidates have had their NYPD Psychological Disqualification reversed at the NOPD re-interview. Additionally, candidates have had their disqualifications reversed after hearings at the Civil Service Commission. However, your disqualification will not be reversed unless you take action.
As a civil service attorney with more than 18 years of experience, I have helped many NYPD candidates win their disqualification appeal. I can help you too.
If you have questions about your disqualification and would like to schedule a free consultation, please do not hesitate to call me at 516 248 0040.
You can also email me at [email protected]
Visit my website www.sheerinlaw.com for more information about NYPD disqualification appeals.
Visit my blog civilservice.www.sheerinlaw.com for more information about Civil Service disqualification appeals.
Twitter feed: @dqlawyer
Facebook: law_office_of_kevin_p_sheerin
My podcast about New York State Civil Service Law issues is: www.newyorkstatecivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com