It can’t get any worse…
If you are currently disqualified, it can only get better. You have two chances to succeed. First, you could win at a re-interview at the NYPD Psych DQ Notice of Proposed Disqualification phase. It is extremely important that you have knowledgeable, experienced mental health professionals and attorneys to help, guide and prepare you for any re-interview.
If you are unsuccessful, you have a second chance to win with an appeal to the New York City – Civil Service Commission, which holds hearings and may rule that your disqualification was improper. Naysayers and critics will claim that no one ever wins, but that is not true. Recently candidates have had their NYPD Psych Review disqualification reversed at the NOPD re-interview. Additionally, candidates have had their disqualifications reversed after hearings at the Civil Service Commission. However, your disqualification will not be reversed if you do not take action.
As a civil service attorney with more than 18 years of experience, I have helped many NYPD candidates win their disqualification appeal. I can help you too.
If you have questions about your disqualification and would like to schedule a free consultation, please do not hesitate to call me at 516 248 0040.
You can also email me at [email protected]
Visit my website for more information about NYPD disqualification appeals.
Visit my blog for more information about Civil Service disqualification appeals.
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Facebook: law_office_of_kevin_p_sheerin
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