NYPD Psychological Disqualifications-CHOOSE YOUR MHP CAREFULLY

If you receive a NYPD NOPD psychological disqualification you must interview the psychologist you hire THOROUGHLY before they represent you or face severe regrets afterwards.

There are psychologists charging very low fees to represent disqualified NYPD candidates in disqualification appeals which seems like a great deal and a perfect way to get reinstated to the NYPD Police Officer eligible list. Not revealed is that these psychologists will report that you are NOT PSYCHOLOGICALLY QUALIFIED to be a police officer and they will mail their report stating that as part of your appeal.

THEREFORE, before hiring a psychologist to represent you in your NYPD NOPD psychological disqualification appeal you should:

  1. Ask the psychologist what their fee includes.
  2. Ask them if they will let you know if they are going to write a report that agrees with the NYPD stating that you are “psychologically unsuitable”.
  3. Ask them to let you see their report before they send it.
  4. Request that they not send the report if they cannot support your candidacy.
Law Office of Kevin P. Sheerin

Sometimes a great price may generate a report that prevents you from ever being a law enforcement officer.

Make sure you ask these important questions to prevent you from facing terrible results.

To discuss these points and other concerns regarding your disqualification contact me at 516-248-0040.

Email: [email protected]

Blog: civilservice.www.sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

My podcast about New York State Civil Service Law issues is: www.newyorkstatecivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com


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