What is the NYPD Hiring Process?

The first step of the process for becoming a New York Police Department Officer consists of taking Exam 4308, otherwise known as the NYPD Police Officer Exam.  This is a monitored computer-based exam which includes sections such as Memorization, Spatial Orientation, Written Comprehension, Written Expression, Information Ordering, Inductive Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning, Visualization, and Problem Sensitivity.

After taking the exam, the NYC Department for Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) will generate your “list number”. If you pass the exam, you will be given a list number as well as an exam score (meaning the higher your score, the lower your list number will be).

After you pass the exam, the NYPD’s Candidate Assessment Division will email you an invitation to create a NYPD Candidate Portal account. Through this Portal, you will be required to complete the Personal History Questionnaire, as this is where your assessment process begins. Additionally, you will be asked to prepare and upload additional documents through the Portal (which you can find at NYPD Candidate Portal.

When you go to your first interview, you will be required to bring and/or upload certain documentation. A list of the items you will be required to upload and/or bring will be listed on your NYPD Candidate Portal after you complete your Personal History Questionnaire.

You can expect the hiring process to take an average of 6 months to 1 year to be hired. In rare cases the process can take as little as 2 months or as long as 4 years depending upon each Candidate’s situation. Your exam is valid for four years from the date your list number is established.

Receiving a Disqualification Notice

Receiving a NYPD Psychological Disqualification can be a daunting and frustrating experience. However, it does not have to be the end of your career goals. I can help you appeal the decision and increase your chances of getting appointed to the NYPD.

As part of the appeals process, I can also assist you with hiring the RIGHT mental health professional (MHP) if your disqualification was due to psychological reasons. Your MHP will review the NYPD Psychologist’s report and, if appropriate, challenge the issues raised in the disqualification. I work with a number of highly skilled and experienced psychologists who specialize in this area of psychology and can help you with your appeal.

If you have been disqualified for any reason and would like a chance to have your disqualification reversed, please call me at 888.998.9984 for a free phone or video consultation, and to discuss any questions you may have about your NYPD disqualification.



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