For more information on how to appeal a Civil Service Disqualification click on the link below: https://www.facebook.com/275342279259723/videos/628229594250886/ I have been…
Rights of NYPD Proposed Disqualification Candidates
DCAS is New York City’s personnel department. DCAS has delegated the task of investigating applicants to the NYPD. You can…
If you receive a NYPD Psychological Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD), you should appeal rather than try to explain this…
NYPD Psychological Disqualification Appeal Process
The above video explains the NYPD psychological disqualification appeal process, and the steps you must follow to help you succeed.…
Should I Appeal or Withdraw from a NYPD Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD)
Frequently the question arises, should I take action and file an appeal or withdraw from a disqualification. The answer lies…
Crucial to Check Your Email Inbox for NOPD and NOD Notices from NYPD
Candidates may have an overflowing inbox with 25, 50 or 100 emails a day. If you miss a Notice of…
Applicant’s Facebook is Surveyed by Appointing Authorities
According to the following in USA TODAY, appointing police agencies are requesting releases from applicants to review their Facebook pages…
Applicant’s Facebook is Surveyed by Appointing Authorities
According to the following in USA TODAY, appointing police agencies are requesting releases from applicants to review their Facebook pages…
NYPD Psychological Disqualification Appeal Process
Candidates who fail to provide requested documents during the application process for police officer will have their file marked discontinued. …
New York City Civil Service Law 1 in 3 rule
This is a short video about the New York City Civil Service Law Section 61, known as the 1 in…
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